'B+' on democracy, 'D'- on Israel-Arab conflict
Truth is there's something for everyone in President Obama's MidEast speech : support for reform, commitment to Israel, Palestinian state, opposition to Iran & Syria. But at base two things must be recognized: They're beginning to understand democracy ; they still don't understand the Arab-Israeli conflict . First, the Obama administration understands the issues relating to the desire for freedom in the Middle East, including the dangers - and should get credit for supporting and promoting democracy and reform in the region. Obama has started to talk the talk - not only applauding, but demanding that regimes in power, including Syria and Iran, stop killing their people and start responding to the legitimate demands of the governed. And walking the walk - in steps, and a bit late, but still important - by giving massive aid ($2 billion in funds and debt-forgiveness to Egypt alone!). What a message to the protesters in Syria and Yemen (and Gaza and Iran): overthrow...