God or Religion - what takes precedence?
I found this article particularly insightful and compelling, not least in light of the internal debates here in Israel over various religious issues (not mentioned below). I’m not weighing in on the US presidential candidates but certainly do agree with the fundamental principle here: religion is meant to serve God and/or a higher purpose, and clearly is distorted when it seems to become MORE important than God or those moral values it is meant to promote. Or as he puts it, “the religious fanatic is the man or woman who has ceased to serve God and instead worships his or her religion…”. ----------------- Are Mormons any weirder than the rest of us? By SHMULEY BOTEACH 28/11/2011 I don't believe Joseph Smith found ancient tablets in upstate New York . What has that got to do with electing politicians? I have been close to Mormons ever since my days at Oxford , when Michael Taft Benson became a member and then an elected offi...