Biden/Blinken’s Travesty of Common Sense and Foreign Policy
[Published on Times Of Israel 6 February '24] If the Biden administration needs to prove their pro-Palestinian bona fides, I can recommend 100 ways. Decrying a non-existent "increase in settler violence" and sanctioning individuals isn't one of them. Here's the scoop (wonder how much of this CNN , BBC , BBC World Service , Fox News , The New York Times etc. will cover?): 1. There was a 50% DECREASE in incidents of Jews "attacking" Arabs in Judea & Samaria (the "West Bank" of the Jordan River) in Q4 '23 over Q4 '22. At least get your FACTS right. 2. Many of even those "attacks" were Jews defending themselves or standing their ground, not actual "attacks". (It goes without saying, but I’ll say it here, that I & the vast, VAST MAJORITY of all Israelis condemn and oppose violence against innocent civilians whether Arab or Jewish.) 3. Israel has a police, security forces and justice system (including under the...