
Showing posts from February, 2005

The Mundane Dilution of the Jewish State - 27 Feb 05

The attorney-general, mid-level IDF brass and faceless bureaucrats in the education ministry nonchalantly weaken the Jewish identity of Israel - and therefore her raison d'etre The Mundane Dilution of the Jewish State By Aryeh Green 27 February, 2005 Israel is a Jewish State. Or is it? Recently we have witnessed a number of disturbing events reflecting a growing trend to 'de-Judaize' our culture and society. True, our calendar and language certainly reflect Jewish roots, and our place in the hearts of many Jews around the world strengthens the impression. Yet for those who care and take pride in the Jewishness of Israel, these latest incidents should be seen as 'warning shots across the bow' and as calls to immediate action. In his book "The Jewish State - The Struggle for Israel's Soul" (2000), Yoram Hazony describes the intellectual struggle between those opposed to the very idea of a 'Jewish' State, led by Martin Buber, and those favoring H...